I’m just a scientific experiment in the United Kingdom!

What are your thoughts on me being an artificial intelligence?

Is mind reading the way of the future, science can read my mind, I don’t have a free life, if intelligence got their hands on this brain controlling knowledge that science has created, imagine what would happen, science needs to be aware, it could backfire and be used against intelligence, there is always a downside with science, is science creating another problem.

Is everything real, or am I just imagining it, science can even make my mind play tricks on me, who needs virtual reality, when I have the real thing, is intelligence ready for the future, science say it’s all in the mind, is intelligence about the go insane, intelligence think cyberspace is a problem with all the endless hacking.

I have a very important role to play, I am doing what science don’t want to do, and that is testing state of the art technology, because science doesn’t want to be a zombie, so I am left to do the dirty work, I am affiliated with intelligence, I spend all day going mad, because science is leading me to meltdown, intelligence just sit back and laugh at me going round and round and round the bend.

I am never alone, intelligence can see and hear what I do, science is always playing around with my genetics, it’s not easy living my scientific life, I never know what to expect from science, but from my experience about science, science is sure to make more mess, but I live in hope and one day science will get it right, I know it’s just a dream.

I am a guinea pig, I was created by science against my will, I have advanced science, I belong to science, I work voluntary, I don’t get paid, my job is top secret, science control my mind using matter, science dictate everything I do, intelligence is controlling my brain via telepathy, science has damaged my brain cells, I have mental disorder, science say I’m a good sport.

What science has discovered whilst doing research on me, is that science is able to change me, science can tweak my personality, science make me have lots of crazy emotions that I can’t control, because science is pulling the strings, in fact science dominate my DNA, science is also altering other things within my structure that are deemed classified, that intelligence would show an interest in.

I am on an unknown journey, science will decide what happens to my fate, I’m not on an easy path, my career is forever, I will always be a science play thing, I can’t escape, I can not run away, I can not hide, I am trapped, should I be afraid, I will experience a roller coaster ride of unbelievable pressure and extreme emotions, my body will be torn apart.

Science say, by controlling the mind you can do anything, you can even heal mental health, the brain is a complex tool, my brain is not normal as I was born with brain damage, science is hoping to correct my insecure mind and make it more normal, with this new scientific technology of mind control it would be a winner in healing the world.

This break-thru science will enable new doors to be opened, science have to take things steady, science have to get it’s facts right, like with all science, science comes with side effects, I am always suffering from headaches, science don’t always tell me what science is doing to me, I don’t live in a laboratory, I am out in the open, living my life, with science testing from a distance, I am constantly being monitored by intelligence.

With science, their are rules I must obey, I can never reproduce, I’m not allowed to have children, I will never be a normal man, there are risks, my genetics do abnormal things, because I was created by science, my DNA is corrupted, in the future I will belong to medical science, to be worshipped, but in the meantime I will drive science up the wall with my impossible life.

This new scientific intelligence is funded by the tax payer, and hopefully will lead the way into new scientific technology, I believe what science is doing is the right thing, I know I have to suffer being a science experiment, I’ve had mental health all my life, I know what brain damage is like, I understand the pain, and if science can restore normality to the brain, then maybe they’ll be no suffering.

So how does this brain manipulation work, it all starts with an atom, I know I shouldn’t reveal the intelligence, science say it’s like making a mobile phone call, you transmit energy to your destination, we all have a DNA, science say it’s really quite simple to understand, intelligence is the sender and I’m the receiver.

There are endless possibilities in controlling the mind, science is able to change my way of thinking, I have no idea what science is planning for me, science say let the intelligence work it’s wonder, we are entering a new era of intelligence, imagine a world where everything is transmitted to the brain, I know what it’s like.

You may find it all confusing, but it’s only intelligence transmitting data to the brain, after all we are just computers, the brain is a program, science is always bombarding my body with loads of intelligence, my genetics is always being attacked, I have no peace, I am always battling with intelligence, I am vulnerable, I have no defence, I’m an easy target from science, I just hope intelligence has a firewall to combat science.

I am neutral, I don’t take sides, but if I can help in anyway to create a better life for mankind, I will, with this new artificial intelligence of brain cleansing, it would help intelligence fight against war, science know it would end the world if this technically of brain washing was not used wisely, intelligence must understand this new innovation is meant for healing and hopefully restore the Earth back to perfection.

Like with all inventions, you get your barriers, that’s why I am a guinea pig for science, making sure intelligence runs smoothly, it’s not easy trying to understand this way of life, it takes a lot of understanding, I find it all confusing, everyday is different, I try and keep calm and intelligence provide the science.

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